Bob Stains & Associates

A collaborative, client-centered approach to conflict transformation

Coaching, Training, Facilitating, Mediating

Working with universities, community agencies, churches, independent schools, as well as national and international organizations

With a cool and steady hand we build trust and skill within your organization to help it flourish, and we break down barriers of divisive conflict such as identity, religion, and politics that may be threatening its success

Conflict Transformation Services – Bob Stains & Associates

Training Programs and Workshops


Enabling organizations to engage differences and prevent destructive conflict


Meeting and Dialogue Design and Facilitation

Facilitating constructive engagement for small and large groups

Consultation and Coaching

Collaboration to gain a deep understanding of division and conflict that is impeding growth


Energetic, informative and inspirational talks at annual meetings, conferences, universities, and more
There are moments in life when one is fortunate enough to encounter someone who embodies integrity, wisdom, experience, proficiency, generosity, and knows their craft cold. Bob Stains is one of those rarities and lives in the small circle of best communicators with whom it has been my honor to have worked. It has been an extraordinary pleasure to observe his ability to engage through communication and learn from his teachings and wonderful humor.
Regina Lyons

Principal , Counterpoint Resolutions, Seattle, WA

Partial Client List

  • Harvard Negotiation Project
  • The US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
  • Kennedy School of Government
  • School of Public Health at Harvard University
  • House of Bishops of the US Episcopal Church
  • National Institute of Mental Health
  • Glendale, CA Presbyterian Church
  • NASA
  • Southern Vermont College
  • Archbishop of Canterbury
  • BioLogos Foundation
  • Fork Films
  • Center for Creative Dialogue in Taipei
  • CoRe Group in Manila

Are you interested in finding out how Bob can help your organization?

Contact Us Here